National Taiwan University team and Chunghwa Telecom cloud system integration, can be combined through a computer network, allowing farmers to directly monitor at home about greenhouse temperature and humidity, watering, fertilizing, etc., to achieve "family farm" in the high-tech future.
NTU wisdom group of biological resources from agriculture team, Management and Innovation Research Centre together with Intel- group, become wisdom agriculture combining with cloud concept and information technology. Also working with Chunghwa Telecom Industry Cooperation by the future 4G technology into the cloud last year, to improve the speed of information logistics team at NTU garage entrepreneurial base significantly. NTU team for many years committed to the development of agricultural wisdom (IoT) study, through the greenhouse built-in wireless sensing devices, such as: temperature and humidity illuminance sensors, soil moisture, cameras, etc., to control greenhouse microclimate information, number and identification of pests and other crop quality. IOT calculus through the cloud technology and Chunghwa Telecom mobile Internet service, instant conduct data collection, analysis, forecasting and warning dissemination of ecological functions, can assist farmers to effectively enhance the yield and quality of agricultural products, and carry out checks for consumer’s food safety. Chunghwa Telecom said, this project is expected to be conducted by a field of demonstration purpose, through close cooperation with the farmers, so agro-ecological detection and data analysis techniques in crop planting can actually manage the Field, to help farmers to growing process and control production quality, in the end to increase production. Simple and easy to understand food resume of growing agro history, by its own sales platform, providing high-quality agricultural products for the consumers.
Taiwan bird flu H5N2 of chicken, duck farms rushing through the entire island, after the birds owners informing the quarantine bureau, Pingtung epidemic prevention center only required reinforcement antibody to birds to cover H5N2 bird flu, resulting in a Taiwan epidemic outbreak. In 1999, a small country in Europe, Belgium also experiencing a food security crisis: farm animal feed contaminated by dioxin, leading to meat and dairy products, eggs banned the export, and triggered a global panic. But Belgium’s bitter experience has turned them over to a Michelin kingdom out of the global food security indicators. What about Taiwan? "Even an egg can be traced back to the source in Belgian" a local Taiwanese restaurant business owner said. “Implement the auditing is the key.” "Every time I see any news about food safety. The next day, on-site visits will show up. Although to reach the standard of the food Safety Authority inspectors have to pay a lot of costs, but if not, definitely paying more afterwards.” said a Brussels Chinese supermarket owner,
The Belgium national Food Safety Authority is like a combo of Taiwan Council of Agriculture's Department of Animal Husbandry, Agriculture and Food Agency, anti-seizure Bureau and the Ministry of Health, Welfare Unit Comprehensive Food and Drug Administration, emphasizing to start from the source. They put the entire food supply chain processes into the same jurisdiction mechanisms. In the Food Safety Authority, led by the European Food Safety Management, Belgium has became a pioneer. 2014 Economist Intelligence Unit Global Food Security Index (Global Food Security Index), Belgium at the "food security" (Food Safety) secondary indicators scored full marks, ahead of the global average of 56.1 points. Painful memories of dioxin crisis 16 years ago, hit the Belgium national food industry, but the whole country was forced to start from scratch, and now look at it actually a pretty good thing. The Belgian meats bear the brunt of the storm, for example the well-known brand of raw ham Ganda Ham. They therefore establish fully automated traceability system, now getting "an Oscar gourmet circles," said the international flavor of the evaluation (ITQI) top award of three stars certainly delicious. Belgian dioxin incident once again for Belgium to realize that food safety is the most important thing from senior supermarket to traditional markets, for both the rich and the poor, are the same set of standards. When Taiwan's food safety crisis, bird flu ... one after another to strike the entire food industry, it seems to lead the food industry to a dead end. Please take a look at Belgium, the same small, not many resources country, to learn how Belgium has pour her people together to create a safe and competitive ‘resume retroactive” Michelin kingdom!
A Taiwanese company is embroiled in a scare after it was found selling hundreds of tonnes of tainted lard oil to food makers, bakeries and restaurants, forcing the recall of cakes, bread, instant noodles, cookies, dumplings and other food items at home and in Hong Kong.
Sales of US fast food giant McDonald’s in China were hammered this year following news reports alleging that a supplier mixed expired meat with fresh deliveries. Every morning, food samples are laid out on a long table at a pristine laboratory run by a German firm in Singapore, but they are not meant for chefs or gourmets. Testing company TUV SUD is watching out for contaminants that could harm consumers in Singapore and other parts of Asia, a region recently rocked by food-safety scandals. “I’ve been working in the industry for the past 25 years, and every few years, there’s something major,” said Mr.Yong, a vice president for food safety at TUV SUD. “It’s an ongoing challenge because there are parties who want to make more from less, so they are always trying to make poor-quality food look good. So there’s always temptation for them to do something illegal.”
The intensification of food production has also given rise to concerns over the excessive and improper use of pesticides in crops and antibiotics in animals. India uses less pesticides per hectare than Taiwan and Japan, but still reports a bigger number of pesticide residue cases, due mainly to improper application and the type of chemicals used. “Unsafe food causes a great number of acute and lifelong diseases, from diarrhea to various forms of cancer, with more than 200 diseases spread through contaminated food,” UN Asia-Pacific Food and Agriculture Organization director Hiroyuki Konuma said. Tourism and trade, and can result in economic losses, he added.Changing consumption patterns driven by Asia’s expanding middle class, the globalization of the food chain and the transfer of new diseases from animals to humans have made it more complicated to combat the risks, experts said. TUV SUD Global Product Services chief executive Ishan Palit said most checks are being done at the tail end of the chain, although more countries are hiring third-party firms to conduct tests at source. “Strong control at the border is not good enough,” Palit said. Government policymakers must also update food-safety policies, experts said.