
2016年11月30日 星期三

Taiwan Chicfarm plant factory's cream cabbages since Nov. 8, 2016

On November 8, we transplanted cream cabbages to our GrowGizas in Taiwan Chicfarm plant factory, they just like summer sunflowers into a full bloom, making city farmers, us, really happy!

Aeroponics Growgiza plant factory is really quite fun to enjoy life, no need to work our butts off for a land preparation, fertilization nor constantly irrigation, simply no such heavy labor works, so we can sit back and watch our babies growing and growing, and then? Guess what will be done? Sale! Sale! And Sale!

Vegetables are the most faithful employees who do not strike, and best part of them are no need to write any pay checks, either!


 We do not know where the mimosa coming from and now flowering out of round pink cute flower balls, Mimosa- if the leaves are touched, they will curl up like a shy girl. As if it is bowing to the  people. What a polite plant it is. Therefore, its florid is "polite."


Those who are blessed by the birth of this flower is also known for good conducts, and been found of  the elderly people. Not too bad to have a life like this.


